Monday, September 4, 2017

Where To Start

As I understand, there are a lot of fans who dropped out of the EU for a while or eventually gave up on it. Now, since the beginning of Disney’s treacherous reign, some have seen the light and are returning to the EU side of the fandom. Or, we also have new fans/visitors! This is all great! There’s just one question. When you want to hit the books again, where do you start?

Now, let me explain something to you all that I hadn’t known when I first got into the EU. The Expanded Universe is a timeline. Every series, every trilogy, every standalone story has its place in the timeline and it all goes together. I hadn’t realized how extensive the timeline was and, being merely a fan of the movies, started off with the New Jedi Order series- the longest and first truly developed series of the EU. Now, this major spoiler alert wasn’t so terrible for me. I don’t think I would have gotten so hooked to the EU if I hadn’t delved straight into NJO like I did. Let’s just say- there was almost literally a new surprise on every page! So, what are some good places to start? Let me give you the tour I never got.

I’ll give a sloppy rundown of what each of these categories has to offer, then a little list of some suggested titles.

Let’s Start At the Very Beginning
First, of course, you could start- as Julie Andrews is famous for suggesting- at the very beginning with Old Republic novels. I should not be your go-to source for this era. But I know there’s a Darth Bane trilogy that explains the whole rule-of-two thing with the Sith. There’s also the novel Revan. That’s about all I know about. Sorry.
Bane Trilogy: Path of Destruction, Rule of Two, Dynasty of Evil

The Start- and Heart- of the EU
Of course, if you’re like me, you don’t care about anything before the movies. From here, there are several categories to discuss- the first being one of the most widely considered “best” places to start. If you’re planning on reading a decent amount of the EU and getting into the stories of the OT3’s lives following ROTJ, the Thrawn Trilogy is a really great place to start. Its first installment Heir To the Empire really kick-started the Expanded Universe and paved the way for such potential. Written by Timothy Zahn, the Thrawn Trilogy introduces some of the most influential and appreciated EU characters there are including the Solo twins Jaina and Jacen, Admiral Thrawn, Talon Karrde, and Mara Jade. Zahn can be held responsible for establishing Mara’s beloved and classic character, making this trilogy very popular just for that reason alone (of course, there are other reasons, I ‘spose.). Though, Zahn can’t be credited with Jaina and Jacen’s true characters as much as just giving birth to them as they are just born in the third book. So, the Thrawn Trilogy is kind of where the EU truly starts. It’s the beginning of the continuing timeline.
Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, Last Command

I Just Care About My OT3
But Thrawn starts eight years after ROTJ. What happened before that? What happened to the Empire? When did Han and Leia get married and stuff? If you’re looking for what happens after ROTJ, there are plenty of selections for you as well. (This category is also basically the Han/Leia/Luke Adventure Time category. Yay for our OT3!) How soon after ROTJ are you looking for because there’s Truce At Bakura which literally picks up minutes after the credits roll. The Emperor may be defeated, but the Empire remains. Han and Leia start to explore the freedom of having the opportunity to actually start their relationship and Luke- well, Luke’s kind of a Jedi hermit until Thrawn. Then, of course, there’s Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor which is amazing and comes a few months after ROTJ.
Truce at Bakura
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye

Or, maybe you’re looking for something a little more in the future. Or, you just care about the next generation of heroes. Here’s where we get a lot more options. The first books to really establish Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin’s characters are the Corellian trilogy books, I think. I haven’t read them yet, but I’ve ordered them. There’s another couple series I’ve never read that prominently feature the Solo kids- that are actually mostly about the Solo kids. Young Jedi Knights and Junior Jedi Knights. These are more like children’s novels. YJK focuses on Jaina, Jacen, Tenel Ka Djo, Raynar Thul, Zekk, and Lowbacca training to become Jedi. JJK focuses on Anakin and Tahiri Veila and their friendship as they train on Yavin IV.
Young Jedi Knights series
Junior Jedi Knights series
Corellian Trilogy: Ambush at Corellia, Assault at Selonia, Showdown at Centerpoint

In It For the Long Haul
Now, while all of these stories that I’ve thus far mentioned are part of the timeline, they don’t . . . how do I say this the right way? They do matter, I suppose, but they aren’t essential to the storyline. This brings us to my favorite category. When do things start to matter? When do people start dying and there’s romances and drama and all that fun stuff? This is where I started. So, I guess you can say that everything else I’ve talked about is an introduction to the story and this is the first chapter.

Things start to really matter in the EU’s first series that goes beyond being a trilogy. It’s 19 books, but worth every novel. It’s called the New Jedi Order. We break out of the YA stage here and the series explores topics much more complex than anything seen in the Star Wars universe before. Lots of weird, Jedi philosophy stuff, lots of weird, non-Jedi philosophy stuff. This series is so amazing though, okay? You know what? I think I might need to write an entire post on this series in general because-!!!! It’s amazing. The Solo kids are in their late teens, growing up, trying to break out of their parents’ shadows. Leia has been in politics for so long and is kind of trying to figure out where to go next in her life. At least, that’s how I kind of see it. Luke has been training Jedi and now his pupils are spread across the galaxy and the Jedi Order has accomplished a lot. But, this series is 19 books? What on Coruscant is it about?


But- Star Wars is kinda’- about aliens.

Yeah, but these are aliens! That’s it. I’m definitely doing an NJO post.

Once you hit NJO, I would HIGHLY recommend all the following books and in order. After NJO comes the Dark Nest Trilogy, then Legacy of the Force (9 books), then the final EU series published Fate of the Jedi (also 9 books). These series all go together and continue the flowing story. You can stop at the end of a series with little to no problem, but I really do suggest that- if you’re interested in reading one of these stories, you have to commit.
New Jedi Order series
Legacy of the Force series
Dark Nest Trilogy
Fate of the Jedi series

Sick of Solos and Skywalkers
Now, there is one last category left to discuss and, surprisingly, it’s not all too small. This last category is for anyone who may get sick of the Skywalkers and Solos or just care about the “background” characters. There’s the X-Wing Series which focuses on Wedge Antilles as well as the rest of the Rogue Squadron: Corran Horn, Wes Janson, Tycho Celchu, etc. It follows their adventures in the beginning of the New Republic’s days. I’ve only read two of these, but I really enjoyed them and am hoping to read more if I can get my hands on some copies.
I, Jedi
X-Wing series
MedStar Duology (just another random duology set in the Clone Wars that has nothing to do with OT3)

Okay, but when does the BIG stuff happen?
Han and Leia get married in . . .
Courtship of Princess Leia (DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!!!)
Han and Leia have their honeymoon in . . .
Tatooine Ghost
Jaina and Jacen are born in . . .
Last Command
Anakin is born in . . .
Dark Empire (comic series)
Corran and Mirax get married in . . .
Bacta War
Luke and Mara get married in . . .
Union (comic)
Ben is born in . . .
NJO: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
Allana is first featured in . . .
Dark Nest: Unseen Queen
Leia and Luke finally learn about their mother in . . .
Dark Nest Trilogy
Jaina gets married in . . .
Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

I think that’s everything I can cover in a brief post. I’m so sorry about the mess; I hope it’s still comprehensible. If you were hoping for something more or are looking for something specific, I would love to try to help you out. I hope this crash course was helpful, though.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

What's the Point?

 I’m sure we’ve all heard the great insult that EU doesn’t matter anymore because it’s not canon. The last installment to that universe has long been written and most have moved on . . .
Obviously, I haven’t. That shouldn’t have been the end! Don’t even get me started on the Sword of the Jedi trilogy we were supposed to get! But, we got an end and we must deal with it. So, the question is: what’s the point?
There’s still a point to reading and writing EU fanfic. I will make sure of that. The sad thing is that there are so few purely EU fanfics out there that are written well or are even completed. I’m always looking for more to read and I know I’m not the only one.
Everybody says that it doesn’t matter what you choose to write next, as long as you’re writing for yourself and not for the audience that you want to have. I’m still learning that, but I’m always up for writing something EU-related. I also know that I’m not the only one looking to read EU fics. I’m always surprised when I get a review on Revival thanking me for writing the story because this hidden gem of a user prefers EU canon like I do and has been endlessly searching for more EU fans and fics. It never ceases to surprise me every time I get a message like that. So, no one is alone in that boat.
Okay, so back to the ‘writing for yourself’ thing. Here’s another point: if the writers who are too afraid to represent this canon or ‘verse, who will? Who will represent the classic stories that made Star Wars more than the epic movie trilogy it already was. The books- the Expanded Universe made it even more. How can all of that just be forgotten in light of what Disney thinks?
I think I must look funny because I wrote EU fic like 2014 never happened. Just write an Invincible AU like everyone knows what I’m talking about. But I still treasure the classic characters we were gifted with and I much prefer Mara, Jaina, Anakin, and all the others to what Disney is trying to stuff our faces with. There’s something about the entire storyline, all the different characters, their backgrounds, their futures that I can’t let go of. Their stories as a whole were unfinished and I don’t think that’s fair. So, I figure, why not write like it’s not over? It doesn’t have to be. Mara can still be alive if you want. Or, Jag can mysteriously vanish. I’m totally cool with that (wink, wink).
I don’t want the story to be over, so, for me, it’s not. That’s what I think the point is.

Sorry this is so dramatic and- nothing. I’m trying- I really am. Please, if there’s a discussion topic you’d like to see, just shoot me a message on Tumblr or FFN or leave a comment here! I know there’s plenty I would love to talk about, but I don’t know what anyone else wants to see, so I would love to hear from you guys and it would help so much! Want to talk about certain characters? A certain era? Or who else wants to fury rant about the Sword trilogy! I want to hear from you guys!
Thanks for reading and may the Force be with you!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Welcome to the Maw!

Well, hello, there! Welcome to everyone who is bothering to check out this blog. I'm JainaDurron7. You can call me Jaina, I guess. I don't really care. Now, I'm not the greatest at introductions but I sure love to write them, so bear with me. Please.
Sadly, I arrived to the party late and found the Expanded Universe only a couple years before Disney ran over it with a weed wacker. I think most of the Fate of the Jedi series had been published already once I finally found this treasure. While I’ve always loved Star Wars, the EU was what started me on fanfiction- reading it, writing it- and made me get involved with the community. It devastated me to watch this new universe that I’d just discovered get shoved aside so suddenly and begin its long and excruciating death. But I refuse to let the Expanded Universe die. (I’ll tell you right now that I refuse to call it ‘Legends’). It’s still my canon.

That's why I'm starting this blog- so that fellow Star Wars Expanded Universe fans can have a safe place to love the EU and connect with other fans as well. This blog is a place to talk about the EU, share content, ignore so-called canon, and remember how good the fandom used to have it. Canon isn't about what Kathleen Kennedy or Pablo Hidalgo say anymore. Your canon is whatever you want it to be. For me, that's the EU and I can't handle another day of being swamped with such negativity in the fandom anymore. We need a safe place that's entirely free of that poison.

So, okay, I'm super lame and I have a few ground rules for this blog and the interactions we share. It's just common courtesy stuff, really. Rule number one: this isn't a place to talk about Disney canon or even hate rant about it. This is a positive place. Wanna’ complain? I hear that's what Tumblr's for. Not here. Not my blog. Like the Maw was intended to be a safe refuge for children during the Vong War, this blog of mine is intended as a safe place for EU lovers to get together and share thoughts, ideas, and conversations. That's how I came up with the name 'The Maw'. This will be our own safe space.

Second thing, I know that many of us share different views on the EU, what we couldn't handle, what we liked, what the authors truly messed up. Do I really have to remind us all to be kind to each other and stay open-minded? Again- safe place. Just be respectful.That covers my rules, I think.

You're probably wondering what I'm planning to do with this site. On this blog, I’ll be putting up different discussion topics, maybe book reviews. Not sure on that one yet because the wonderful Zyra over at HanLeiaFanFicWriters has been working so hard for so long on beautiful EU reviews and promises to at least go through NJO, and I wouldn't want to copy her. I’ll post appreciation posts like one I did on ‘Leia as a mother’ on Tumblr. I plan to have posts to talk about some of the greatest characters the EU has to offer. And, of course, fanfic submissions will always be welcomed. Maybe, we can have some themed prompts from time to time if anyone feels up to a challenge. I’ll probably post some of mine here because I’m selfish like that. Have anything EU to share? Bring it to mama! Any ideas or kinds of posts you’d like to see? Please do share!

I suppose I should mention that my obsessed expertise with the EU is limited to post-ROTJ. I have read the Revan novel and the Bane trilogy, but I have zero interest in anything pre-ANH. If your field is Old Republic, feel free to share with me! If you have any post ideas, reviews, or discussion topics pertaining to the Old Republic or pre-ANH, go ahead and share it with me! Just thought I'd warn you because it's not likely I'll post anything having to do with that era.

Now, there's just one more thing I have to say. Not familiar with the EU? Wondering what this blog is all about? You are still more than welcome here! I’m always looking for new members to recruit for my cult- er, fandom. Feel free to dive in with the rest of us and we’ll take you on a tour. I promise it’s better than what Kennedy’s feeding you. Pull out a chair and we’ll point you to the good stuff. Don’t know where to start? Just ask and I can help you figure out where you might want to start with the EU. The more members, the better!

That's all I have to say for now, so thanks, everyone, for stopping by. Please stay and enjoy your stay! I’d love to hear from you guys if anyone has ideas for this blog, so if anyone has anything in particular that they’d like to see, please leave a comment down below! I think that’s all I have to say for now, so, welcome to the Maw!